Engine: | 4D34i |
General characteristics: | 4 Cylinder, Vertical in-line BSVI, inter-cooled, turbo-charged |
Engine Capacity: | 3907cc |
Engine Max output: | 170HP (125kW) @ 2500rpm |
Engine Max torque: | 520Nm @ 1500rpm |
Gearbox Model: | M036, Synchromesh |
No. of Gears: | 6 forward with overdrive+1 reverse |
Clutch Type: | Organic, Single dry plate, ⌀ 325mm |
Brake Type: | Dual Circuit, full air S-Cam type drum |
Auxiliary Brake: | Exhaust brake |
Electronic Brake: | Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) |
Front Axle: | Heavy-duty reverse elliot 'I' beam |
Rear Axle: | Fully floating type |
Suspension Type: | Parabolic suspension at front and rear |
Anti roll bars: | Double acting telescopic shock absorber and anti roll bars at front and rear |
Steering Type: | Power steering, adjustable and tiltable |
Tyre Type: | 235/75 R 17.5 tubeless tyres |
Battery: | 2x12V, 120Ah |
Fuel Tank/Filling Capacity: | 171L/160L |
Adblue Tank/Filling Capacity: | 43L/36L |
Seats: | Bench type seats with under seat luggage racks, chin guards, handholds and aisle side hold |
Seat Layout/capacity: | 3 x 2 layouts with 49 bench type seats (Option - 2x2 layout with 39 HHR seats) |
Floor: | Marine grade plywood, Anti-skid vinyl top layer |
Passenger door: | In-swing, Automatic |
Windows: | Fixed glass |
Emergency exit: | Door at rear RHS, rear breakable glass, all windows breakable |
Emergency kit: | Fire extinguisher (5kg x2 ), First-Aid kit |
Hatrack: | Hat rack with Free Flow vents (Option – Modular Hat rack) |
Lights: | 4+1 standard LED lights with integrated night lamp distributed through saloon area |
Safety features: | Seat belts, provision for CCTV, GPS, RFID and navigator, retractable first step, door opening alarm, guarded driver area, emergency alarm, stop sign |
Fitments: | Notice Board |